Cosmo Tech

Cosmo Tech CEO Hugues de Bantel is Reappointed Vice President of Think Smartgrids

Cosmo Tech CEO Hugues de Bantel is Reappointed Vice President of Think Smartgrids

Cosmo Tech CEO Hugues de Bantel has been appointed to a third term as Vice President of French industry association Think Smartgrids. De Bantel will serve alongside Think Smartgrids President Xavier Piechaczyk, Chairman of the Execution Board of RTE, fellow Think Smartgrids Vice President Hervé Champenois, Technical Director and Member of the management board at Enedis, as well as Think Smartgrids General Delegate Régis Le Drézen, and Treasurer Rodolphe de Beaufort.

Created in April 2015, the Think Smartgrids trade association federates the French smart energy grid industry to promote French expertise and know-how internationally and develop smart grids in France. The entire smart grids value chain is represented within the 100-member association from innovative startups to CAC 40 companies, as well as competitiveness clusters, research centers, universities, and some of France’s famed grandes écoles.

Think Smartgrids aims to help the industry take its place among the world’s leading players. The French smart grids industry is expected to grow by an average of 20% a year in the 2020’s, representing a €6 billion market by 2030 and employing 60,000 people. Think Smartgrids plays a leadership role in the smartgrids industry, helping players work together, keeping them abreast of key issues, encouraging the co-construction of innovative projects and transformational solutions, and promoting French smart grid expertise on the international stage.

De Bantel said, “I am honored to continue my mission as the Vice President of Think Smartgrids. Our team at Think Smartgrids is convinced that it is essential to bring together the industry’s stakeholders – enterprise, startups, small businesses, and academic centers – to discuss issues and share ideas, best practices and innovations in order to transform the smart grids sector in France and deploy proven solutions internationally.” 

He continued: “The energy sector is particularly close to our hearts at Cosmo Tech as we have been addressing these strategic and operational issues from the earliest days of our company, working alongside leading players to successfully drive the energy transition to a more sustainable future.”

About Hugues de Bantel

Before co-founding Cosmo Tech, Hugues de Bantel was the CEO & a Director of EDAP TMS, a NASDAQ listed medical technology company headquartered in Lyon, France. De Bantel co-founded Cosmo Tech after 2 years managing Alticare, a boutique consulting firm for startups. He has significant experience managing technology companies in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. He earned an MBA from IMD Lausanne, and a Master’s in Business Management from Neoma Business School.

About Think Smartgrids

Founded in April 2015, Think Smartgrids aims to develop the smartgrid industry in France, and promote it in Europe and internationally. It brings together grid operators, energy suppliers, regulators, companies in the electrical engineering, automation, telecommunications equipment and information systems, and consulting sectors, as well as the world of research and associations.

About Cosmo Tech

Cosmo Tech provides AI Simulation and digital twins for enterprise decision making. Decision makers use Cosmo Tech software, powered by goal-seeking simulations generated from a 360° twin of their organization to navigate through complexity and uncertainty. They can either test the impact of a disruption, a decision, or set target performance indicators to find the best path out of millions of possible futures. Leading companies from the manufacturing, automotive, energy, and transport sectors rely on Cosmo Tech’s combined predictive and prescriptive capabilities to anticipate what’s coming and confidently optimize operations, improve profitability, build resilience and sustainability.